
Worship, Create Community, Grow

Father George Ratzmann, Pastor

Greetings from Fr. George

Welcome, we hope you find St. William to be a parish in which you can thrive!

St. William is part of the Diocese of Venice, which is a growing diocese, so there is always something new and plenty to do.

Our architecture is traditional just like our parish. We strive to be in the middle as there is where most folks are. We are united in our common faith in Jesus Christ. We revere the past and our traditions, while at the same time are open to new ideas that are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

We welcome you whether you are a visitor, seasonal or with us all year round. We hope you find our parish a place where you can flourish and grow, feel welcomed and be inspired to take part in the building up of Jesus Christ's ministry!

"The Church is Us, We are the Church"

Parish Calendar

Mass Schedule

Monday thru Friday

8:00 am & 12:10 pm


8:00 am & Vigil Masses 2:45 pm & 4:30 pm


7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 1:00pm

Children's Liturgy of the Word

9am Mass: March 23, April 6 & 27


Saturday from 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Adoration Chapel Hours

Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am - 6:00 pm

Adoration in Church

Tuesday from 6:00 - 6:30 pm

Friday after 8:00 am Mass

1st Friday of Month after 12:10 pm Mass - 2:00 pm

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena

Tuesday at 6:30 pm

Live Stream Mass Daily Readings Clergy Schedule Contact Us! Pray for Our Sick & Deceased

Events & Ministry News

Fish Fry Friday

Every Fri in Lent after Stations of the Cross | Church Hall

Stations of the Cross

Each Friday in Lent


Coffee & Donut Sunday March 16th

7am,9am & 11a Masses Church Hall

Fish Fry Friday

Every Fri in Lent after Stations of the Cross | Church Hall

Stations of the Cross

Each Friday in Lent


Coffee & Donut Sunday March 16th

7am,9am & 11a Masses Church Hall

Check out our Calendar for more!

Our Community

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Prayer Request

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