
Holy Communion (Eucharist)

The sacrament in which Catholics receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine.

It is a celebration of Christ's sacrifice and a means of grace to unite believers with Him and each other.

Benefits of Receiving Communion:

  • Deepening of our union with Christ
  • Spiritual nourishment and strength
  • Forgiveness of venial sins
  • Strengthening of the unity of the Church

How to Receive It:

  • A person receiving Communion at Mass must be Catholic and have received the sacrament either as a child through their First Communion, or as an adult through the OCIA program.
  • One must be in a state of grace to receive Communion, meaning having no knowledge of committing mortal sin.
  • One should abstain from food for one hour prior to taking Communion.
  • One is asked to make an act of adoration (a bow of the head) just prior to receiving communion (Scared Host or Precious Blood) from the Priest or Eucharistic Minister.
  • Communion may be taken either in the hand or on the tongue with the response of "Amen" when the Priest or Eucharistic Minister proclaims, "Body or Blood of Christ".
  • One should return to their pew for prayerful reflection on the Eucharist they have just received.

First Communion:

Welcome! This is a summary of how to prepare your child for First Communion & First Reconciliation at St. William Parish

  • St. William follows the Diocese of Venice requirements of two continuous years of religious instruction before receiving the Sacrament of First Communion. These two years are in either in St. William Family Faith Formation classes or a Diocesan approved Catholic school.
  • Special sacrament preparation classed are also required in the second year of preparation.
  • Preparation traditionally takes place during first and second grades but can also happen later.
  • First Grade (or later): Family Faith Formation classes or Catholic school
  • Second Grade (or later): Family Faith Formation classes or Catholic school PLUS special sacramental preparation classes
  • Becoming part of a church, including regular Mass attendance and family faith classes for elementary aged children, is a gift you give to your children... and yourself. Come and see!

How to enroll your child in the 2024-2025 First Communion and First Reconciliation classes:

  • Ensure your family is a registered member of St. William parish. Call St. William Parish Office if you have questions about that status of your membership in the parish.
  • Attend Mass at St. William as a family each Sunday.
  • Enroll in and attend Family Faith Formation classes (or Catholic school or homeschool Catholic classes). Registration begins August 1, 2025.
  • During enrollment, click on the section that asks if you would like more information on Sacramental Preparation and a St. William staff member will reach out to you with more information.
  • A parent meeting with the Family Faith Formation Director is required in August.
Register for Family Faith

For more information contact:

Kristine (Kristi) Neumayer-Jenkins

Director of Family Faith Formation

Email Kristi Jenkins Call Kristi Jenkins Email Our Parish Office
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