Volunteer Registration

Adult Volunteer Registration

(Ages 18+)

Sharing Your Time & Talent for the Lord & Our Community

For inquiries about Saint William Volunteer Opportunities, please complete the form below

and our Volunteer Coordinator will reach out to you with more information.

Volunteer Inquiry

Volunteers, please complete below steps:

For ministries other than working with the Youth, Homebound,

and/or Respite, need to complete Steps 1 & 2 below. Those volunteering with

Youth, Homebound, and/or Respite need to complete Steps 1-4.

Step 1

Volunteer Assignment

To start, please email our Parish Office with the names of the ministries in which you would like to serve. Please include a copy of the signed document found on the button below.

Diocese of Venice Document to Sign

Step 2

Register as a Saint William Volunteer

The second step is to register as a St. William volunteer in the Diocese of Venice Volgistics system. Click the link below to complete the Volunteer Application form and select 'St. WIlliam Parish in Naples, Inc.' as the entity for which you are volunteering. (Note: St. William is the last name on the list)

Volgistics Volunteer Application

Step 3

Online Training

The next step is to register with Virtus and complete the online training. This step is only for those who come in contact with children and vulnerable adults. If you have already have a User ID and password in Virtus, simply Sign-In, otherwise click the 'First-Time Registrant' button to create a User ID and password.

Register with VIRTUS

Step 4


This step is only for those who come in contact with children and vulnerable adults. Sign up for a fingerprinting appointment using the link below and inputting the following information:
Username: diov
Password: FaF10DOV61
St. William will reimburse the fingerprinting charge if requested.
Fingerprinting Application

Thank you for becoming a volunteer in one of the many ministries at St. William!

 Please feel free to reach out to our Parish Office with any questions you have along the way, we are here to assist you.

Call the Parish Office at 239-261-4883 or email using the button below.

Safe Environment Program

As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults. As they participate in activities within or sponsored by our diocese, it is our commitment to provide an environment which is safe and nurturing.

Therefore, the mission of the Safe Environment Program is:

  • To provide required education for all employees (clergy, religious and laity), those volunteers and others regularly involved with minors, and parents, as to the issue of abuse of children including the detection, prevention, and reporting of child abuse.
  • To provide required training programs for children and young people in our Catholic schools and religious education programs. This includes age- appropriate materials pertaining to personal safety and information about improper touching and relationships. Children are not expected to be fully knowledgeable about child abuse or of the laws governing care of children but they need to know when they should seek assistance from a trusted adult.
  • To thoroughly screen and evaluate the background of all diocesan employees – clergy, religious and laity – and those volunteers who work with children and young people.
  • To hold those who minister in the name of the Church of Venice – all diocesan employees (clergy, religious and laity) and those volunteers who work with children and young people – to Christ-centered and professional codes of conduct.

Diocese of Venice Safe Environment Page

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