
Reconciliation (Confession)

The Sacrament in which Catholics confess their sins to a priest and receive absolution.

It restores the penitent's relationship with God and the Church and provides spiritual healing.

Benefits of Receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation:

  • Forgiveness of sins committed after baptism
  • Reconciliation with God and the Church
  • Spiritual healing and peace
  • Strength to avoid future sin

How to Receive the Sacrament:

  • Set aside time to examine your conscience and reflecting upon the challenges in your life.
  • Enter the confessional where the priest will greet you and ask you to make the sign of the Cross together.
  • Express that you are heartfully sorry for having offended Our Lord and confess your sins.
  • Make an Act of Contrition.
  • Carry out the penance prescribed by the Priest.
  • Be filled with the healing peace of Christ.

When does the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) take place at St. William for persons who have received their First Reconciliation:

  • Reconciliation is available at Saint William Catholic Church on Saturdays at 10am
  • Reconciliation is also available by appointment by making arrangements with a Parish Priest.
  • Additional Reconciliation opportunities are offered during Advent and Lent. Times for these can be found in the bulletin during these times of the year.

First Reconciliation:

Welcome! This is a summary of how to prepare your child for First Communion & First Reconciliation at St. William Parish

  • St. William follows the Diocese of Venice requirements of two continuous years of religious instruction before receiving the Sacrament of First Communion and First Reconciliation. These two years are in either in St. William Family Faith Formation classes or a Diocesan approved Catholic school.
  • Special sacrament preparation classed are also required in the second year of preparation.
  • Preparation traditionally takes place during first and second grades but can also happen later.
  • First Grade (or later): Family Faith Formation classes or Catholic school
  • Second Grade (or later): Family Faith Formation classes or Catholic school PLUS special sacramental preparation classes
  • Becoming part of a church, including regular Mass attendance and family faith classes for elementary aged children, is a gift you give to your children... and yourself. Come and see!

How to enroll your child in the 2024-2025 First Communion and First Reconciliation classes:

  • Ensure your family is a registered member of St. William parish. Call St. William Parish Office if you have questions about that status of your membership in the parish.
  • Attend Mass at St. William as a family each Sunday.
  • Enroll in and attend Family Faith Formation classes (or Catholic school or homeschool Catholic classes). Registration begins August 1, 2025.
  • During enrollment, click on the section that asks if you would like more information on Sacramental Preparation and a St. William staff member will reach out to you with more information.
  • A parent meeting with the Family Faith Formation Director is required in August.
Register for Family Faith

For questions contact:

Kristine (Kristi) Neumayer-Jenkins

Director of Family Faith Formation

Email Kristi Call Kristi Email Our Parish Office
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