

Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation into the Christian life.

Baptism cleanses a person from original sin, bestows the grace of new birth in the Holy Spirit, and welcomes the individual into the Church community.

Benefits of being Baptized into the Catholic Faith:

  • Cleansing from original sin
  • Initiation into the Christian community
  • Reception of sanctifying grace
  • Becoming a child of God as a member of the Church

When Baptisms Occur: 

Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of every month following the last Mass (11am Mass May-Dec, or 1pm Mass Jan-Apr).

How to Receive Baptism:

  1. Parents requesting Baptism for their child must be registered parishioners and participating members of the parish.
  2. Parents and godparents are required to attend a preparation class.
  3. It is recommended that preparation class be completed before the baby arrives.
  4. Contact the Parish Office to schedule the Baptism and preparation class.
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