Planned Giving

Planned Giving

" is in giving that we receive." St. Francis

Planned Giving

Planned giving provides an opportunity to make a lasting impact on Saint William Catholic Church. Through thoughtful planning, you can create a legacy that supports the church for generations to come.

Planned gifts can take many forms, including:

  • Bequests: Include Saint William Church in your will or trust.
  • Retirement Assets: Name Saint William Church as a beneficiary of your IRA or retirement plan.
  • Life Insurance: Donate a life insurance policy or name the church as a beneficiary.
  • Charitable Trusts: Establish a trust that benefits the church while providing you with income during your lifetime.
  • Real Estate and Securities: Contribute appreciated assets for significant tax advantages.

For more information on planned giving, please contact our Parish Office at 239-261-4883 or email using the link below.

Email Parish Office
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