Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

St. William Stations of the Cross (Interior)

We adore you, O Christ and we praise You. Because by your Holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

While The Stations of the Cross are typically said on Fridays during Lent, they can be said at any time throughout the year. 
We invite you to click on the links below to learn more about the history of The Stations of the Cross and take time to pray them while meditating on our heartfelt reliefs depicting each station.
Guided Stations of the Cross About the Stations of the Cross

Station 1

Christ is Condemned

Station 2

Jesus Carries His Cross

Station 3

Jesus Falls the First Time

Station 4

Jesus Meets His Mother

Station 5

Simon Helps Jesus

Carry the Cross

Station 6

Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

Station 7

Jesus Fall the Second Time

Station 8

Jesus Meets the

Women of Jerusalem

Station 9

Jesus Falls a Third Time

Station 10

Jesus Clothes are Taken Away

Station 11

Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

Station 12

Jesus Dies on the Cross

Station 13

Jesus is Taken Down

from the Cross

Station 14

Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

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